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Expressions of Whirlwind Emotions, Thoughts, Life and Everything Possible and Impossible.

The newly merged tribe, Nobag, returns to camp from Tribal Council after they blindsided another member of the original Kota Tribe, Charlie. Proud of their efforts, the original Fang members boast about how they are systematically dismantling the former Kota tribe one vote at a time. Randy is aware that the power is shifting toward Ken and Crystal now, and that he and Corinne are on the outs. Paranoia begins to set in for Corinne: “I mean, Kenny and Crystal are taking out my entire alliance. My chances are very slim. You know, most likely, me, Bob and Randy, we’re gonna go home and we don’t know in what order, but we’re gonna go home.”

While Randy watches from a distance, Sugar and Bob sneak into the jungle for a chat. Sugar pleads with Bob to send Randy home next because of his poor attitude. Bob confesses that he does not have the hidden immunity idol, and reveals that he tirelessly looked for it while on Exile Island, but was unsuccessful. Unbeknownst to Bob, Sugar is in possession of the hidden immunity idol, but has kept her discovery a secret from Corinne, Randy and Bob. As Bob’s story progresses, he reveals to Sugar that he has constructed a fake idol and shows it to Sugar. Sugar comments on Bob’s devious plans: “I guess Bob might have some kind of strategy in showing me the fake immunity idol. Maybe he’s an evil genius, I don’t know.”

Meanwhile, Corinne and Randy meet at treemail to discuss their current state in the game. Corinne hypothesizes that Susie, Ken and Crystal plan on being the final three, and are using Sugar and Matty as pawns. Randy feels vulnerable: “Corinne is still an ally, but what can you do with two people? We’ve got immunity idols; we’ve got huge physical threats like Matty. I’m planning on just continuing to be my same charming self.” As Corinne and Randy admit to hating the other players, they realize that their only hope is that they can get someone to flip and join their alliance of two. Randy comes to the realization that he cannot change his attitude, because doing so would bring to light his plan. Randy and Corinne conclude that the person they should lure into their alliance is Matty.

Corinne and Randy arrive at the Nobag camp with treemail, which includes individual envelopes containing five hundred dollars in cash. The tribe concludes that the challenge will be an auction, and everyone cheers with excitement. As the reward challenge nears, Corinne is psyched about her ultimate goal: “Nothing tastes better than five hundred dollars except a million.”

The Nobag Tribe takes a seat in the bleachers upon arrival at the auction. Host Jeff Probst explains the rules. Each person has five hundred dollars. Bidding will be in increments of twenty dollars. You cannot pool money and you cannot share food. Jeff brings out the first item, beer and peanuts. Randy wins with the highest bid of one hundred and eighty dollars after a brief bidding war with Sugar. Sugar admits that she does not like beer that much but just wanted to up the price for Randy. The next item up for bid remains covered. Ken wins with the highest bid of three hundred forty dollars, after bidding in hundred dollar increments with Randy. Jeff reveals the item, which is a rolled-up piece of paper. Ken reads it aloud: “Send yourself or someone else to Exile Island. If you send someone else, you take all of their money.” Ken picks Bob, winning his five hundred dollars and sending him immediately to Exile Island, where he will stay until the next immunity challenge. Jeff reveals the next item, which is covered. Ken and Randy battle it out, but in a last second bid, Sugar outbids Randy by twenty dollars. Jeff reveals the item, which Sugar bought for three hundred and forty dollars: chocolate and peanut butter. The next item up for bid is a hot bath in a tub that is located in front of the tribe. Randy bets all of his three hundred and twenty dollars, but Susie outbids him by twenty dollars. While Susie enjoys her bath, Jeff reveals the next item: a hamburger, French fries and soda. Everyone bids high, but Matty wins with a bid of four hundred dollars. Susie leaves her bath early to join her tribe in the bidding wars. The next item remains covered, and Randy and Ken fight for it. Ken finally decides to give it up to Randy, who won with a bid of two hundred and eighty dollars. The item is revealed to be spaghetti, garlic bread, and a glass of wine. The next item is a note sealed in a bottle that will give the winner a big advantage in the next immunity challenge. Ken gives it up again, this time to Corinne, for five hundred dollars. Jeff explains to Corinne that the bottle must remain sealed until she arrives at the next immunity challenge. The next item is covered. The first person to bid wins, and Randy wins with a simple bid of twenty dollars. Jeff explains that what he has just won is for the tribe. The item is revealed to be a plate of cookies. As Randy distributes the cookies to the tribe, Sugar refuses to take one. Randy offers a cookie and a half to Corinne, since Sugar refused a cookie. Randy asks Sugar again if she would like a cookie. She finally agrees, but defiantly gives it away to Matty. With that, the Survivor Auction is over.

As Nobag returns to camp, Matty thanks Sugar for the cookie. Randy snaps at Matty, and says that it was not hers to give out. Randy expresses his resentment for Sugar: “I left the auction broke, full, half-drunk and pissed off. So I am going to burn this house down in the next day or so.” Sugar laughs at Randy’s childlike fit over the cookie: “Oh my gosh, have you ever seen a grown man get so mad over a chocolate chip cookie? And the only reason I took his damn cookie is because he didn’t want to give me a cookie. He wanted to give everybody a cookie but Sugar, because Sugar’s evil.” Randy continues to pout about being “treated like a dog” at the auction. Despite his tantrum, Randy remains focused on his goal and decides to begin laying the groundwork for an alliance with Matty. He begins by trying to manipulate Matty into feeling as if he is on the outs with the rest of the tribe. “Fifth place ain’t bad,” he tells Matty.

Bob chooses clue over comfort in order to try and find the hidden immunity idol on Exile Island again, but is still unsuccessful. Bob comes to the conclusion that, instead of wasting his time aimlessly looking around for a hidden immunity idol, he will take a hike around the land. Bob hikes to the top of a hill and admires the breathtaking view of Gabon from above. “I see why they call it the Garden of Eden,” he says.

The alliance of five, consisting of Ken, Crystal, Sugar, Matty and Susie meet in the hut to discuss who to vote out next. Matty singles out Bob as next to go and suggests keeping Randy around since he has already angered a lot of people and thus would be an ideal person to bring along further. Sugar sees this strategic move as a threat. As Matty lays out the pecking order as being Bob, Randy and then Corinne, Randy arrives at the hut. He exchanges harsh looks with the fivesome.

The next day, Randy meets up with Corinne in the jungle to reveal his diabolical plan of crashing and burning for the remainder of the day in an effort to shake things up at camp. His plan is to put the target on himself so that he can convince Bob to give him the hidden immunity idol, if he has it, so that he can then use it to blindside Susie. Randy explains, “The reason that myself and Corinne and Bob are in the predicament that we’re in is because Susie flipped. She went with Crystal and Kenny and they voted Marcus out. This would be sweet, sweet revenge.” Randy begins wreaking havoc on the Nobag Tribe, causing everyone to become paranoid. “What’s he want to do, like fight or something?” asks Sugar. Randy continues to insult the tribe about the cookie incident, and even goes as far as cursing at Susie to shut up. With everyone now turned against him, Randy feels comfortable that his plan is working: “They’re all freaking out and that’s a real good thing. The more they freak out, the more paranoia sets in, the more Operation Strong Arm can be effective. Man, we still got an immunity challenge to play.”

The Nobag Tribe arrives on the mat as Bob returns from Exile Island to rejoin them. Host Jeff Probst explains the rules. In the first stage of the challenge, players will race across a series of balance beams carrying a bag of puzzle blocks. When a player reaches the finish, they will head back to the start and do it again. The first three people to get their three bags across the line will compete in the final round. In the final round, the players will empty their bags filled with puzzle blocks and arrange the blocks along a multi-angled platform while avoiding trip wires which could tip the blocks and force players to reassemble the puzzle. The goal is to arrange the puzzle blocks so that they will fall one into another like dominos, raising a flag. The first person to raise their flag wins immunity. Corinne opens her bottle that she won at the auction and reads it: “You will sit out for the first stage of this challenge and move directly into the final round.” Corinne sits out for the first round, while everyone else begins battling for the two remaining spots in the final round.

Matty dominates the first round by getting all three bags of puzzle pieces quickly across the finish line. Ken is right up against Susie to claim the second spot in the final round. Ken is able to defeat Susie, and is up against Corinne and Matty in the final round. For the final round, Matty and Corinne start lining up their dominos in the front, while Ken makes his way under the trip wire, starting at the end. This proves to be a tricky strategy, as Ken’s dominos go down when he shakes the trip wire. Matty takes an early lead, while Ken struggles to recover. Corinne continues to make progress while Ken catches up. Ken oversteps Corinne and is nearly finished setting up his dominos, neck and neck with Matty. Ken is the first to lay out all of his dominos and tries them out. They stop after only knocking over a few dominos and Ken regroups. Matty announces that he is ready to give it a try, but so are Ken and Corinne. The three players race to see whose dominos make it to the end. Corinne’s dominos stop short, as do Matty’s. Ken’s dominos make their way to the end and raise his flag, which grants him individual immunity.

As the tribe congratulates Ken on his win, Randy is aware that the only way to save himself would be to convince Bob to give him his immunity idol. Meanwhile, Sugar tries to convince Bob that it would be hilarious if he gave Randy his fake immunity idol at Tribal Council. “The only way that I can save myself at another Tribal Council is by convincing somebody else to use it, and I think it should do the trick,” says Bob. Unaware that Bob’s idol is fake, Corinne approaches Bob about giving the idol to Randy. Bob agrees to give the idol to Randy, thereby aligning himself with Sugar. Bob then shows Randy the fake idol in the hut and assures him that since everyone is targeting Randy, he will give it to him. The two meet in the jungle for the pass off, and Randy pledges to vote for Bob to win the million dollars should he make it to the final three without him. Bob reports back to Sugar that it is a done deal, and Sugar calls Bob a genius. In the hut, Sugar assures Ken and Crystal that this will be the funniest night of their lives.

At Tribal Council, Randy bickers about the cookie incident with Sugar, citing her reaction as being harsh. Susie insults Randy, and says that she feels sorry for him now that he has shown his true colors. The rest of the tribe point out that Randy has been rude to Susie and the others, which has stirred up a lot of animosity toward him. Before the votes are read, Randy plays Bob’s fake immunity idol, thinking that he has just blindsided Susie. Jeff reveals that it is not a true immunity idol, and Randy is humiliated as the rest of the tribe laugh at him. In the end, Randy was voted out with five of the eight votes cast against him. Randy Bailey, the 49 year-old wedding videographer from Eagle Rock, Missouri, became the eleventh person voted out and third member of the jury of SURVIVOR: GABON: EARTH’S LAST EDEN.

HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! The tribe & the show is saved!

The Kota Tribe return to camp after blindsiding Marcus at Tribal Council. Susie praises Ken for orchestrating this brilliant move. Ken is fully aware that last night’s Tribal Council put him in a powerful spot. “So far, the last two Tribal Councils I’ve been to…they’ve been blindsides because…because of me,” he says. Bob senses that he is in trouble and may be the next in line to be voted out. “If I’m to last, I’m assuming I need to be in a merge. If we’re not in a merge, I think I’m history,” he says.

The next morning, Fang awakes to the stark reality that they’ve exhausted their food supply. As starvation takes a toll on them, Matty hopes for a merge soon. “The longer I stay on this tribe, the closer I get to going home,” he admits. Charlie and Matty arrive with treemail, which reveals that the winner of a golf challenge will receive a once in a lifetime “cultural trip.” As the tribe practices using a giant slingshot that was included with the treemail, Corinne reveals that she is hoping for a merge soon so that she can be reunited with her closest ally, Marcus. “The Kota alliance from the get-go was me, Charlie and Marcus. As long as that’s intact, I don’t really care who goes home.”

The new Kota and Fang Tribes arrive on their mats as host Jeff Probst reveals that Marcus was voted out at the last Tribal Council. Corinne, Charlie and Sugar are stunned at the news, and Corinne proclaims that Marcus did not deserve to leave the game. Ken snaps at Corinne, “Then who does? Who does deserve to leave the game?” Corinne tries to justify that Marcus simply earned the right to be in the game longer. Jeff Probst explains the rules of the “Survivor-style” golf game. Using a large slingshot, players will take aim and shoot their ball toward a hole until they land their ball in the hole. The tribe with the lowest number of shots wins the hole. The winning tribe will be rewarded with a trip to a Gabonese village where they will enjoy a beautiful dance ceremony, have a meal, and spend the night. They will return to camp in the morning. In addition, the winning tribe will send one member of the losing tribe to Exile Island. Since Fang has one extra member, Corinne is chosen to sit out of the challenge.

The first hole is 300 yards away on a slight downhill grade. Bob launches the ball just shy of 150 yards. Matty launches a nice shot for Fang, which overdrives Kota’s mark slightly. Kota is up next, and Bob launches the ball just past the hole. Matty sends Fang’s ball wide and to the left about 20 yards from the hole. For Fang’s third shot, Randy shoots and comes up short. Ken executes a smooth shot which drops the ball in the hole, scoring one point for Kota.

The second hole is 225 yards uphill. Bob launches the ball just past the 125 yard marker for Kota. Matty’s shot lands short for Fang, just behind Kota’s. Fang’s next shot gracefully sends the ball just short of the hole. Bob fires Kota’s ball about 30 feet from the hole. Ken overshoots the hole for Kota’s third shot. For Fang’s third shot, Matty drops the ball into the hole, tying the game 1 to 1.

The final hole is 200 yards uphill. Fang is up first, and Matty sends the ball flying to the dead center of the course. Kota is up next, and Bob executes a huge drive ahead of Fang’s ball. Matty launches Fang’s ball closer to the hole, while Bob sends Kota’s ball wide right. With both tribes very close to the hole, Ken just misses the hole for Kota by overshooting 6 inches. Fang sends their ball just on the edge of the hole. Ken overshoots Kota’s ball again, opening the door for Fang to win. With their ball right on the edge of the hole, Randy begins delegating orders to Charlie and Matty about how far to stretch out the slingshot. This irritates Matty, who shushes Randy. Soon Matty and Randy are arguing back-and-forth on how to hold the slingshot. Matty finally listens to Randy and drops the ball in the hole, winning the reward for the Fang Tribe. Fang chooses to send Bob to Exile Island.

Sounds of a mouth bow fill the air as the Fang Tribe arrives at a traditional Gabonese celebration in the Bwiti Village. The Gabon natives, wearing red dresses and face paint, begin bathing the Fang Tribe. They erupt in loud chanting and dancing, while playing instruments that are native to their culture. A small child accompanies Corinne, who is amazed at how the 2 year-old girl chose her of all people. While the natives feed their new guests, Charlie and Corinne discuss the recent departure of their closest ally, Marcus. Charlie describes his feelings on his good friend’s blindside: “Marcus getting voted out is like the lowest moment I’ve had in this game ‘cause Marcus and I have been playing together since the first day. Like, not just as like strategists in this game, but as like really good friends. And now with him gone, it’s like who do we turn to, because he really did a lot of the thinking for us.” The natives continue to dance and sing into the night, as Fang enjoys their feast. Matty erupts into dance and laughter with the natives. Matty reflects on his experience in the village: “My main objective was to allow myself a break from the game of Survivor and it gave me some relief that I needed desperately.”

Back at Kota, Ken struggles with maneuvering the outrigger, which he has managed to get stuck on an obstacle in the lake. He is finally able to release himself and pulls the net out of the lake to find three tilapia inside. Proud of his recent achievements, Ken thinks that he is beginning to have the game figured out. He returns to camp with the fish he has just caught and shows them off to Susie and Crystal. “Who would’ve thought the little guy in this game would have been the provider for them?” he proudly states. “I am very proud of myself for what I’ve done so far in this game and if people want to take me out, I will take them out before they take me out anyway I can. So right now I know for a fact I can win this game.”

Bob immediately chooses clue over comfort at Exile Island in a desperate attempt to save himself from his perilous position. He successfully follows all of the clues to the location of the hidden immunity idol, but is unaware that Sugar has already found it. Thinking that he did not follow the final clue accurately, Bob becomes perplexed and extensively searches the island for the idol to no avail. He finally comes to the realization that his last hope is to construct a fake idol in order to save himself. Bob uses some resin that he found to glue various materials into a convincing-looking fake immunity idol necklace. “It’s sort of like when you’re holding up a bank. You don’t necessarily need a gun, but if they think you’ve got a gun, they might leave you alone.”

At Fang, Matty reads treemail, which hints at building a fire to win immunity. Randy speculates the challenge will be for individual immunity, and singles out Crystal as being his number-one enemy. He gives her the nickname, “sasquatch,” and vows to vote her out the first chance he gets if there is a merge. “I hated Crystal from the beginning. Everybody knows that. She made her bed back at the old Fang, and I still hold a major grudge.”

Both tribes arrive at their mats, while Bob returns from Exile Island and rejoins the Kota Tribe. Host Jeff Probst reveals that, from this point forward, players will be competing for individual immunity and then surprises the tribes by announcing that they are now a merged tribe. Everyone roars with excitement as they drop their buffs and embrace each other. Jeff hands out new blue buffs to the merged tribe and explains the rules of the challenge. Each person will have a flint and steel, along with a box of fire-making supplies. The objective is to make a fire high enough to burn through their horizontally suspended rope. The first person to burn through their rope wins immunity.

As the challenge begins, everyone frantically rubs their flint against steel to get the fire going. Susie is the first person to get a flame, and she continues to build her fire while everyone else continues their attempts to get a flame. Matty’s vigorous efforts yield little result, but he does manage to cut a gash in his thumb. Sugar gets a flame, and she and Susie utilize similar strategies, constructing teepees with wood to expand their fires. Susie’s fire begins to grow as the flames come closer and closer to reaching the rope. Sugar races to gain on Susie’s lead, but Susie’s fire has already begun to burn through the rope. The rest of the group are not making any progress. Susie’s fire burns through the rope, and she is granted individual immunity. Jeff announces that everyone will be returning to the Fang camp where they will have the necessary supplies to build a new tribe flag along with any personal items that were left at the Kota camp.

The newly merged tribe return to their camp to find an assortment of food including rice, beans, Gabon pears, coffee, and canned foods. After enjoying a brief moment eating the food, the tribe separates to talk strategy. Randy talks to Charlie in the jungle, and singles out Crystal as the next person to go. Charlie brings up the fact that he, Corinne, Bob, and Randy are a solid four, and Matty, Ken, Susie and Crystal are a solid four. Sugar is somewhere in the middle since she has ties to both sides. In the savannah, Sugar suggests voting out Randy, citing that she cannot stand his antics anymore. Corinne and Charlie try to convince Sugar to vote out Randy after they first vote out Crystal. Knowing that Sugar is a swing vote, Corinne is walking on eggshells with her in the hopes that she can sway Sugar to her side. “Sugar is so weak and naïve and gullible. I’ve been nasty to her for twenty-five days. I was nice to her one day and she’s sold. So it doesn’t make sense that she buys it ‘cause she’s such a moron.” Back in the jungle, Susie rats out Charlie and Corinne to Ken, Crystal and Matty, for being in a tight alliance and trying to lure Sugar to their side. Ken points the finger at Charlie for being the mastermind, but secretly, the real reason that he wants to vote him out is because Charlie took the clue to the hidden immunity idol away from him at the Tribe Switch Feast. “I’ll trade that idol for his life. Serves him right,” says Ken. Soon Ken has convinced Crystal, Susie, and Matty to blindside Charlie at Tribal Council. He then gets to work on Sugar, and soon has her convinced as well. Everyone returns to the hut and discuss what the new tribe name should be. Ken suggests “Nobag,” since it is Gabon backwards. Everyone agrees, and the merged tribe now has a name. Sugar paints multicolored bubble letters onto a blue flag that says, “NOBAG.” Sugar admits that she does not trust Ken since he lied to her about Ace but, at the same time, she finds it hard to trust anyone in this game since they have all proven to be deceptive. As the sun begins to set, The Nobag Tribe hang up their new tribe flag and walk out to Tribal Council.

The first member of the jury, Marcus, is brought in to observe Tribal Council. Randy arrogantly states that, at the reward challenge, if everyone would have listened to his suggestions, Fang would have made each shot ten times out of ten. Crystal attacks Randy for having issues with her, and the two ignite a heated argument. Randy draws comparisons between the way Crystal and GC ran the original Fang Tribe to that of a gang, and takes it further by blaming Crystal and GC for making his life a living hell and for being the reason that Fang lost nearly every challenge. Charlie criticizes Randy for not thinking before he speaks and says that he is simply venting his frustrations. Sugar claims that spending most of her time on Exile Island did not hurt her assessment of everyone else because she has a pretty good idea of who everyone is at this point. In the end, Sugar was convinced by Ken’s idea that Charlie is the mastermind and, thanks to votes from her, Susie, Matty, Crystal and Ken, Charlie was blindsided with five out of the nine votes cast against him.

Charlie Herschel, the 29 year-old lawyer from New York, New York, became the tenth person voted out and the second member of the jury of SURVIVOR: GABON: EARTH’S LAST EDEN.


THE KOTA SIX In the dead of night, the Kota Tribe return from their second Tribal Council in which Dan was voted out. Randy comments on how tough Tribal Council was for him. Susie laughs at Randy’s remark, mistaking it for sarcasm. Randy reveals that he voted for Susie, but ultimately his friend, Dan, was voted out instead. Marcus smells a tribe merge coming, and along with Randy, the two advise the Kota six to stick together and vote out the remaining four Fang members when the time comes. Susie’s loyalty to the Kota six is questioned based on her actions at the previous Tribal Council, where she pointed out Corinne for being the tribe’s weakest player. Corinne expresses her resentment for Susie: “The woman is 47 years-old. What could she possibly have over me?" Although Susie swears to not sell out any of the Kota six before the merge, she clearly has plans of her own: "Right now, they have me in their alliance of six. They may think they have all the power, but I’m feeling like my goal is that I have the power." HOPE FOR A MERGE The Fang Tribe return to camp after blindsiding Ace at their Tribal Council. Matty is shocked over Ace’s blindside, and now feels vulnerable since he was kept out of the loop and voted for Crystal. Crystal assures him that everything is fine, and Ken backs her up by assuring Matty that Ace was using him. Sugar is convinced that she, too, was being used by Ace, and is now devoted to her newfound ally, Ken. Fang then speculate that the merge will most likely happen tomorrow, and begin to strategize. Crystal is optimistic about her state in the game: “If there is going to be a merge, hopefully we can outwit, outlast and outplay the current remaining Kota members so that we can go as far as possible.” TREEMAIL At the Kota camp, Corinne and Marcus discuss Susie’s hostility toward Corinne as they grab treemail. Corinne now has a new enemy: "After what Susie said at last night’s Tribal, I plan on burying her…alive. I'm an extremely vindictive person, and I will get my revenge." Marcus reads treemail to Kota, which tells everyone to pack up their belongings for a “brand new tribe, a brand new game, a new way of survival." Everyone is ecstatic about the possible merge. Randy emphasizes to his tribe that they must stick together and not be fooled by any Fang members. "Kota six to the end...Fang four, goodbye," says Randy. THE FEAST Kota and Fang arrive on the beach and greet each other. They then turn to a giant table covered with a great abundance of food including meatloaf, fruit, wine, and baked goods. Also on the table is a box with a note on it, stating that they must not open the box until the feast is over. Everyone piles on the food and indulges in a glutinous celebration. Ken spots a note hidden underneath a bowl in front of him. He then whispers to Matty that he thinks he has found a clue to an immunity idol. Charlie immediately spots the clue and anxiously waits for Ken to read it, making the clue known to everyone at the table. Ken starts to read it, but Charlie grabs it and hands it over to Marcus. Marcus reads the clue, which hints at the idol being buried underneath the lowest limb of a tree on the beach. Randy asks, "I see it. Who wants it?" Marcus then decides that, since everyone is casually refusing to grab the hidden immunity idol, he will call all of their bluffs and force them to get rid of it. Randy offers to find the idol and set it adrift, and everyone is game. Randy digs up the idol and sets it on the table for whomever wishes to grab it. Ken becomes hungry for it but is aware that, if he were to grab it for himself, it would put a target on his back. "It's the apple in the Garden of Eden," says Bob. Randy then agrees with Marcus's idea of setting the idol adrift and soon convinces everyone that this must be done. Randy tosses the idol out to sea, proud of his ability to manipulate everyone in the game. Randy arrogantly proclaims, "I am the new King of Gabon. I am sorry, but I rule. This ocean is mine. All those Fang and Kota members…they work for me. I’m King. Cheers." Marcus is amazed that everyone bought his suggestion to toss the idol, and sees this as a way to keep the Kota six in control of the game. The tribes return to the table, and Randy proceeds to read the note that was attached to the box. In the box are two notes. Note number one states that, without looking, each tribe member must pick out one of ten numbered stones from a bag, then read note number two. After this is done, Randy reads the second note. To everyone’s shock, note number two states that they have been divided into two new tribes. The new Kota Tribe consists of Bob, Marcus, Crystal, Susie and Ken. The new Fang Tribe consists of Randy, Charlie, Matty, Sugar and Corinne. Despite throwing away the idol, Marcus remains confident: "I know at the end of the day that no immunity idol gets me to the finals." MARCUS’S NEW ALLY The new Kota Tribe arrives at camp. Ken and Crystal are in awe of their new home and are cordially welcomed by Bob, Marcus and Susie. Marcus finds out that one of his best friends back home is actually Crystal's cousin. Because of this revelation, Marcus comes to the realization that the game is changing: "Crystal is actually a really cool girl. This is a person I can be straight up with. This is a person I can talk to. This is me crumbling up my playbook and throwing it out the window." Crystal then gives her word that she will be loyal to Marcus, Bob and Ken. Marcus remains comfortable in his new alliance, but Crystal admits she has a hidden agenda: “Me telling Marcus that I won't write his name down... that's me playing the game because I also told Ace that I would not write his name down, and Ace got blindsided." NEW ALLIANCES The new Fang Tribe arrives at their camp in shock from the new tribe switch. Charlie remains confident that the Kota six will keep their word and stick together since they have the majority in both tribes. Corinne and Charlie become paranoid that Randy is spilling information about Kota to Matty, and go off on a walk to discuss strategy. Charlie is convinced that Sugar has the immunity idol, and suggests voting off Matty since he is a threat for individual immunity challenges and to Marcus and the Kota six. On the other hand, Matty becomes aware that Randy’s allegiance lies with Kota, and he scrambles to find someone to align with. Matty reprimands Sugar for blindsiding Ace, stating that Ace had no intensions of double-crossing her. Sugar retorts that she was backing Ken, since it was he that warned her of Ace’s untrustworthiness. Matty fumes that Ken and Crystal did not trust Ace, and duped her into voting him out. After hearing this, Sugar feels like she was used by Ken and made a huge mistake in voting out Ace. She cries to Matty that she feels so bad for doing this to Ace, and admits that she now trusts Matty. The two align, and vow to watch each other’s backs, making the idol readily available to Matty should he need to use it. THE BOTTOM Back at Kota, Marcus becomes increasingly paranoid over Susie’s loyalty to the Kota six, and approaches her. Susie admits that she is at the bottom of their alliance, and must protect herself for the time when they are down to the final six. She asks Marcus where that would put her when they are down to the final six since she is the weakest player. Susie divulges her plan: “Marcus is basically the king, but I have the power right now to just cut his head off. If I do switch, it’s his own fault because he did not give me a clear statement.” TREEMAIL At Fang, Matty’s yell for Treemail echoes off in the distance as Randy, Corinne, and Charlie deviously strategize getting rid of Matty in order to save Marcus and the rest of the Kota six. Corinne speculates that Susie might flip on their alliance and get rid of Bob and Marcus. Randy estimates that there is a one in a billion chance that Sugar is hiding the idol for Matty. Matty returns with treemail, which hints at a last man standing challenge where the losers might be the first to join the jury. As the Fang Tribe contemplate treemail, Matty is aware that he must win this challenge if he is to last another day in the game. IMMUNITY CHALLENGE: KEEP IT UP Fang and Kota arrive at their mats while host Jeff Probst explains the rules. With arms outstretched, each castaway will use the tops of their hands to hold two poles against an overhead board. If they lower their arms even slightly, they will release the pressure on the poles, the poles will drop, and they will be out of the challenge. Each person has an individual station that has been adjusted based on their height to keep the game fair. The last person left standing wins immunity for their entire tribe. The challenge is on and, only one second into it, Crystal drops her poles and is out of the challenge. Sugar is out after ten seconds. Susie is next out of the challenge, followed by Randy and Corinne. Ken is then next out of the challenge for Kota. Matty, Marcus, Charlie and Bob struggle to stay alive. Marcus finally drops his poles and is out of the challenge. Charlie is next for the Fang Tribe. It is then down to Matty, for Fang, and Bob, for Kota, to win the challenge. Matty taunts Bob by laughing and making funny noises, but Bob holds on. Matty’s poles reach the edge of the board, but he remains in control. Marcus encourages Bob to hang in there, but his poles slip off. Matty wins immunity for the Fang Tribe, sending Kota to Tribal Council. THE SWING VOTE Kota returns to camp after their defeat at the immunity challenge. Marcus reveals that either Ken or Crystal will be the next to go, and that he would prefer that it be Ken due to his relationship with Crystal. Marcus then meets with Crystal and offers her the option to vote out Ken in order to save herself and replace Susie in the Kota six. This does not make Crystal happy. “When you start talking about knocking off my number one ally just so you can get further in the game, I’m not pleased at all,” she fumes. Susie, on the other hand, tells Marcus she would like to vote out Crystal. Marcus sways Susie into voting out Ken instead in order to help get Susie into the top three. Susie is wary of Marcus, but admits that she feels comfortable in going with his plan because she believes he can get her further in the game. Crystal meets up with Ken and warns him of Marcus’s plan to vote him out. Crystal then tries to bring Susie into her group to vote out Marcus. Susie is conflicted and tells Crystal about Marcus promising her he will take her to the final three. Crystal snaps that Marcus cannot make that kind of promise because there are several people in the game that do not like her and will vote her out. As the new Kota Tribe walk to Tribal Council, Susie remains undecided. TRIBAL COUNCIL At Tribal Council, the Kota Tribe admits they were shaken up when there was not a merge, but another tribe switch. Ken calls out Marcus for lying about not being worried if there would be a merge. Ken sternly states that a merge is exactly what Marcus wants so that he can get rid of the remaining original Fang members. Marcus apologizes for Ken’s frustrations getting the best of him, and Ken lashes back at him for being “The Kota God.” Bob affirms that tonight’s vote is clear cut. However, to Bob’s shock, when the votes were read, it became apparent that Susie stuck with Crystal and Ken and blindsided Marcus, who was voted out of the game with three out of the five votes cast against him.

Marcus Lehman, the 28 year-old doctor from Atlanta, Georgia, became the ninth person voted out and the first member of the jury of SURVIVOR: GABON: EARTH’S LAST EDEN.


While I Only Think Of You On Two Occasions is playing, I want to tell you that I'm thinking about him every second of the day. And Not Going Nowhere is breaking my heart. It is a beautiful song! It's by Babyface by the way. I can relate 65% to the song just because I'm a single mom. lol! Seriously, the song is really beautiful! AGAIN, Not Going Nowhere by Babyface is a super hit for me!

Let me start sharing what happened last night. I was absent again last night simply because my son is sick. He was looking for his Mommy. So I went home & arrived late but its worth it. He is still right now. His cough is disturbing his sleep. He throw up today. He doesn't like his medicines. There's an interesting story behind me & my son. We sometimes gets sick at the same time or either of us gets sick first. We feel each others sickness. haha! SWEET! I need to bring him to the doctor tomorrow. We're hoping that he'd better. He loses a little weight. He don't like to eat much. I don't want to leave him. I am worried but I know he will be fine. His asleep now. *smile

My BFF Jen, or shall I say Labs. My friends & I call each other 'Labs'. FIVE beautiful girls! Jen is sad right now. She's been feeling the pain since she knew everything. It's about relationship. The most painful part is when her father hugged her & said I did not hurt you but other people is causing you lots of heartaches now. Heartbreaking & a sense of security at the same time. It is really hard to move forward if you don't know where to start. She told me that she prayed for six years for him & thought that his the one for her but what she got is heartbreak. I told her that no matter how many times we get our hearts broken, no matter how deadly the pain is & no matter how deep we fall, there is always someone, somebody that is meant for us. She has to keep her faith. I told her that she should not try to be strong because she is strong. Life is too short to waste. It will give us pain & happiness. Life will make us weak & strong. She wants to have closure. Of course everybody wants to have an honest closure. I want her to have a closure because she can't have that peace of mind & the pain will not alleviate. At least. But she needs to make sure it should be closure. You can forgive the person but I doubt you can forget what happened. It's already part of your memory. Your brain can't be formatted. I love my girlfriends. I want them to feel comfortable with there lives. I want them to be happy. I want to be strong for them.

Happiness should be for everyone. We can't run away from problems. Some may defeat temptations but I know most of us are too weak to face temptations. Life is made for experiences. Life is bittersweet! We have to appreciate lifes ups & downs. I think Music is playing a big role in life. Music inspires us in many ways. Talented people can write songs no matter what their mood is. Songs are about life, experiences, love, pain, happiness, victory, God, letting go & a lot more. Life & Music are alike. They are together. Here's a phrase: If today is a bad day, it will be better tomorrow & in it will be the best time of your life in the future! Don't dwell to much with what happened. It is ok to cry, to mourn & look back. But without learning, accepting, understanding & moving forward; you would stay with the same you. You would still be same loser & useless. Always remember that we, as individuals, we are made by God because we are intelligent, beautiful, talented & precious. Human beings are one of a kind. Jewels! Diamonds! We have to take of each other. Be good example. Be an extraordinary influence. Love is such an excellent expression, just like Jesus.

I think what I'm trying to share is just take time to think of what you really wanted for your life. Don't be such in a hurry but don't stay long in the past. Future is waiting for us. Keep on believing with your self. Whatever goodness & worthy you know that you have, stay there. Hang on...

: excuse me with my grammars & spellings *smile



Good Evening everyone! Just got home. This will be quick because I have to be in bed in less than 10 minutes. My son is sick. *tears.. I will be posting something that I wrote last night during work. I was bored so I just kept on typing in my sticky notes to entertain myself. lol! Here it is:

"Hey everyone! It's 5:38AM 11.10.08 here in the center. I just ended a call, customer was asking for temporary credit to increase there account spending limit to prevent service interruption. You would probably know my job. So, I'm seated away from my BFF's & I miss them! *tears! I'm in a single station & I can't see my Senior Guy! HAHAHA! He's the cutest! Charming & so baby face. Still waiting for a call now. Good thing that they did not transfer me to CBI which is for sure receiving a lot of calls. We had a system issue for like 2 hours. I was late! hahaha! 58mins late by the way. Yeah, I know its not a good behavior to be late. BUT I live hundred miles away from work! It would be too expensive if I will rent a house. I would rather travel, sleep in my own bed, sit in our sofa & bathe in our bathroom. There's no place like home! Two things I hate in the house: IT'S TOO FREAKING HOT! BIG TIME! Another thing is, I hate it when I get home & see ANTS feasting the foods & stuffs. Its like those little itchy creatures is going to carry the house & throw it in the garbage can or worst eat the house! I get pissed right away. It will ruin my morning & it causes me headache. I'm sleepwalking after a two hours sleep. Whatever. I just ended a call again. hehe! Mr. BRACY was a flirt. It was good call. I was explaining to him that his phone is not suspended & his not over his account spending limit & his balance is current. Good thing that he has simply everything which is the unlimited plan because if he has a regular plan he will have a problem managing his usages. WAY TO GO! I don't have much sales right now. I'm tired. I still have headache. Like I said, I didn't get enough sleep. I had to rearrange my bed & the closet. I have to cover the windows by the closet. It will help to minimize the heat from the sun going inside the room. I don't have an air conditioned room people. I have to save to buy one. I will, someday. When my father comes home. He has to do it. I don't think my brother wants to do it. He will ask for money! He will be outnumbered in the calender three years from now & still his jobless. He is not really a headache but his getting old. A man already. He is looking a job but haven't landed to his dream job? His a clown. By the way his my personal cheft! Not a good cook but his cooking my meals. SWEET!"

nightie night! xoxo


While my son & my niece are asleep, I'm taking a little time to post an entry in my blog. Shall I say I'm getting addicted with this exciting hobby called 'blog'? hahaha! Its fun! I find it very relaxing. I can just post anything I wanna say. Like I said, I love sharing thoughts & memories. Going back. I'm feeling better now. But still have cough. Maybe I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow night. Let's see! I really don't feel like going back to work. I'm tired. But I have to work, have to buy my son's needs & for myself as well. Most importantly, I have to pay BILLS! Bills & Debts! It's been a problem. But I think we are responsible. We are the one making those bills & debts. We are using it anyway. We know the difference between good & bad. I don't have to discuss further about it.

I'm hoping that it will not rain tomorrow but according to news Cebu is signal #1. So I will stop hoping. What am I going to write? Where will I start? Hmmm... Yeah! The election is still fresh & people are still talking about it. And I know that they will talk about it & remember the election forever. It's history! It really is.

TWIST! I just added Taylor Swift in my MySpace top friends list. I'm not really a fan but damn she is really beautiful! I so love her hair! Love Story is a nice song, so country & i like it! Her eyes are so beautiful. She's fun of wearing those booootttsss! SO cute! Someone broke her heart but she's only 18. Long way to go girl. AND also, I want to mention that Vanessa Anne Hudgens has the most amazing hair & smile! I love her fashion! She is such a super talented girl & young as well. Rich & famous but still proud to know that she has a Filipino blood.

Here are some my fave photos of Taylor & Nessa:

AND yeah! MR. Ryan Seacrest broke the news on 102.7 KIIS-FM Wednesday as much excitement for Madonna's Sticky and Sweet concert tour grows in Southern California. 'BIG News' He said: "In an unprecedented concert event, music superstars Madonna, Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears will appear on stage together in Los Angeles at Dodger Stadium Thursday night. If Justin and Britney end up on that stage with her...I don't know if I've ever seen anything quite like that before." RUMORS! I don't think that's possible. But then again, let's wait. I can't mention all the updates about Britney. You can visit http://breatheheavy.com or http://britneyspears.com. These sites are updated real time. Happy to be one of the viewers of those sites.

REALITY: Tonight will be my last night with my son. Have to go back to work again tomorrow night. DARN! Breaks my heart to leave him again. OUCHY. I need to work. I know he'll be fine. My mother is blaming me with the behavoir that his showing when I'm home. I'm giving my son 110% love & care. I can't take my hands & eyes off of him. He is too precious. I must admit that I discipline him in the way I know. He is spoiled when I'm around but I do know how to talk to him if there's a need to discipline him. Kids will always be kids. Parents' patience must be over the hedge. Patience & understanding. Kids can hurt themselves & that's what I'm afraid of. But we have to let our children to be kids. We have to give them the time to be kids because in time they will be teens, adults & grown ups. They will grow & learn. Like us parents! We have to grow together with them. I want to grow together with my son. We are teaching each others valuable lessons. I think my son & I will be much more better & stronger if we have each other. His my blessing. *smile

Have to go to bed now. My eyes are falling. Take care everyone!
God Speed!


Barack Obama has dedicated his life to public service as a community organizer, civil rights attorney, and leader in the Illinois state Senate. Obama now continues his fight for working families following his recent election to the United States Senate. Sworn into office January 4, 2005, Senator Obama is focused on promoting economic growth and bringing good paying jobs to Illinois. Obama serves on the important Environment and Public Works Committee, which oversees legislation and funding for the environment and public works projects throughout the country, including the national transportation bill. He also serves on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee where he is focused on investigating the disability pay discrepancies that have left thousands of Illinois veterans without the benefits they earned. Senator Obama also serves on the Foreign Relations Committee. During his seven years in the Illinois state Senate, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead by creating programs like the state Earned Income Tax Credit, which in three years provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state. Obama also pushed through an expansion of early childhood education, and after a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, Senator Obama enlisted the support of law enforcement officials to draft legislation requiring the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases. Obama is especially proud of being a husband and father of two daughters, Malia, 8 and Sasha, 4. Obama and his wife, Michelle, married in 1992 and live on Chicago ’s South Side where they attend Trinity United Church of Christ. Barack Obama was born on August 4th, 1961, in Hawaii to Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham. Obama graduated from Columbia University in 1983, and moved to Chicago in 1985 to work for a church-based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods plagued with crime and high unemployment. In 1991, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School where he was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

Obama to be first African-American president

After defeating John McCain in Virginia, Ohio, Iowa and Florida and leading in Electoral College votes, Barack Obama made history Tuesday night by becoming the nation's first black president.

"Change has come to America," he told an estimated 125,000 supporters who cheered him on in Grant Park in Chicago, his hometown. "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America -- I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you -- we as a people will get there."

The 47-year-old senator from Illinois (who is married to wife of 16 years, Michelle, and has two daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7) swept through traditionally Democratic states in the East and Midwest, as well as Virginia, Ohio, Iowa and Florida. (Obama's victory in Ohio was particularly telling: No Republican has ever won the presidency without it.) He also lead in Electoral College votes.

"The American people have spoken, and spoken clearly," a disappointed McCain told supporters as they booed in Arizona.

Along with his running mate Joe Biden, Obama will be sworn in as the 44th U.S. president on Jan. 20, 2009.

Obama makes history; turns to sobering challenges

WASHINGTON – His name etched in history as America's first black president, Barack Obama turned from the jubilation of victory to the sobering challenge of leading a nation worried about economic crisis, two unfinished wars and global uncertainty.

"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep," Obama cautioned.

Young and charismatic but with little experience on the national level, Obama smashed through racial barriers and easily defeated Republican John McCain to become the first African-American destined to sit in the Oval Office, America's 44th president. He was the first Democrat to receive more than 50 percent of the popular vote since Jimmy Carter in 1976.

"It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment, change has come to America," Obama told a victory rally of 125,000 people jammed into Chicago's Grant Park.

Obama scored an Electoral College landslide that redrew America's political map. He won states that reliably voted Republican in presidential elections, like Indiana and Virginia, which hadn't supported the Democratic candidate in 44 years. Ohio and Florida, key to Bush's twin victories, also went for Obama, as did Pennsylvania, which McCain had deemed crucial for his election hopes.

With just 76 days until the inauguration, Obama is expected to move quickly to begin assembling a White House staff and selecting Cabinet nominees.

Campaign officials said Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel was the front-runner to be Obama's chief of staff. The advisers spoke on a condition of anonymity because the announcement had not yet been made.

Democrats expanded their majority in both houses of Congress. In the Senate, Democrats ousted Republicans Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina and John Sununu of New Hampshire and captured seats held by retiring GOP senators in Virginia, New Mexico and Colorado. Still, the GOP blocked a complete rout, holding the Kentucky seat of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and a Mississippi seat once held by Trent Lott — two top Democratic targets.

In the House, with fewer than a dozen races still undecided, Democrats captured Republican-held seats in the Northeast, South and West and were on a path to pick up as many as 20 seats.

When Obama and running mate Joe Biden take their oath of office on Jan. 20, Democrats will control both the White House and Congress for the first time since 1994.

"It is not a mandate for a party or ideology but a mandate for change," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said: "Tonight the American people have called for a new direction. They have called for change in America."

After the longest and costliest campaign in U.S. history, Obama was propelled to victory by voters dismayed by eight years of George W. Bush's presidency and deeply anxious about rising unemployment and home foreclosures and a battered stock market that has erased trillions of dollars of savings for Americans.

Six in 10 voters picked the economy as the most important issue facing the nation in an Associated Press exit poll. None of the other top issues — energy, Iraq, terrorism and health care — was selected by more than one in 10. Obama has promised to cut taxes for most Americans, get the United States out of Iraq and expand health care, including mandatory coverage for children.

Obama acknowledged that repairing the economy and dealing with problems at home and overseas will not happen quickly. "We may not get there in one year or even in one term," he said. "But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there."

McCain conceded defeat shortly after 11 p.m. EST, telling supporters outside the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, "The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly."

"This is an historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for African-Americans and the special pride that must be theirs tonight," McCain said. "These are difficult times for our country. And I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face."

Obama faces a staggering list of problems, and he mentioned some of them in his victory speech. "Even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime — two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century." He spoke of parents who worry about paying their mortgages and medical bills.

"There will be setbacks and false starts," Obama said. "There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can't solve every problem."

The son of a Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, the 47-year-old Obama has had a startlingly rapid rise, from lawyer and community organizer to state legislator and U.S. senator, now just four years into his first term. He is the first senator elected to the White House since John F. Kennedy in 1960.

Bush called Obama with congratulations at 11:12 p.m. EST. "I promise to make this a smooth transition," the president said. "You are about to go on one of the great journeys of life. Congratulations and go enjoy yourself." He invited Obama and his family to visit the White House soon.

Bush planned to make a statement about the election at midmorning Wednesday in the Rose Garden.

With most U.S. precincts tallied, the popular vote was 51.9 percent for Obama and 46.8 percent for McCain. But the count in the Electoral College was lopsided in Obama's favor over McCain — 349 to 147 as of early Wednesday, with three states still to be decided. Those were North Carolina, Georgia and Missouri.

Obama won California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.

McCain had Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming. He also won at least 3 of Nebraska's five electoral votes, with the other two in doubt.

Almost six in 10 women supported Obama nationwide, while men leaned his way by a narrow margin, according to interviews with voters. Just over half of whites supported McCain, giving him a slim advantage in a group that Bush carried overwhelmingly in 2004.

The results of the AP survey were based on a preliminary partial sample of nearly 10,000 voters in Election Day polls and in telephone interviews over the past week for early voters.

In terms of turnout, America voted in record numbers. It looks like 136.6 million Americans will have voted for president this election, based on 88 percent of the country's precincts tallied and projections for absentee ballots, said Michael McDonald of George Mason University. Using his methods, that would give 2008 a 64.1 percent turnout rate.

"That would be the highest turnout rate that we've seen since 1908," which was 65.7 percent, McDonald said early Wednesday.

Barack Obama: "Change Has Come to America"

Acceptance speech of President-Elect Barack Obama:

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.

It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.

It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.

I just received a very gracious call from Senator McCain. He fought long and hard in this campaign, and he's fought even longer and harder for the country he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. I congratulate him and Governor Palin for all they have achieved, and I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.

I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton and rode with on that train home to Delaware, the Vice President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.

I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last sixteen years, the rock of our family and the love of my life, our nation's next First Lady, Michelle Obama. Sasha and Malia, I love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House. And while she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother is watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them is beyond measure.

To my campaign manager David Plouffe, my chief strategist David Axelrod, and the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics - you made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done.

But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to - it belongs to you.

I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington - it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.

It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give five dollars and ten dollars and twenty dollars to this cause. It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of Americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this Earth. This is your victory.

I know you didn't do this just to win an election and I know you didn't do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime - two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for college. There is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new schools to build and threats to meet and alliances to repair.

The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America - I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you - we as a people will get there.

There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as President, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for two-hundred and twenty-one years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.

What began twenty-one months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seek - it is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It cannot happen without you.

So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers - in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.

Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. Let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House - a party founded on the values of self-reliance, individual liberty, and national unity. Those are values we all share, and while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress. As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, "We are not enemies, but friends...though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection." And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn - I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your President too.

And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world - our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To those who would tear this world down - we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security - we support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright - tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.

For that is the true genius of America - that America can change. Our union can be perfected. And what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.

This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing - Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.

She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons - because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.

And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America - the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.

At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can.

When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.

When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can.

She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes we can.

A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change. Yes we can.

America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves - if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?

This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time - to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth - that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:

Yes We Can. Thank you, God bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.

PS: HURRAY! God Bless to the new hope, for the new change. xoxo

I was suppose to post an entry about a certain emotion(s) that I want to share. I may be right about it but sometimes I feel that my topics & my thoughts are not that important. It doesn't make it sense at all. It's like a boring discussion. But I really don't care. I am person who knows how to write real & true emotions. I love writing about everything. I don't care how boring, stupid, annoying or sad it is. I want to share thoughts & memories.

To start with. This entry won't be interesting if I will not start talking about LOVE. Oh Love! The word sounds so simple yet everybody goes crazy about it in a lot of ways. Some may be consciously denying when they fall in love & others are just so vocal & low key. Humans are super naturally unpredictable. Most of the time we know the right thing to do but we just step backward because of what ifs & negative thoughts. We let fears conquer us. Its okay to be scared. We don't have to pretend that we are strong even if we are too weak to accept pain. I have few friends who ask advices & help about their relationships. I'm a person who has a lot experience about relationship. I had only 3 or 4 relationships. I don't even know why it ended. Seriously, I just know how to think if I'm not involve. I'm much better understanding others problems than understanding mine. It's true. Don't have to deny it or anything. Helping my friends & being a person who listens to them really helps me to be mature. Why? Because in that way my brain is actually working in progress & I can use those advices & thoughts if the same thing will happen to me. The EARTH is round! It is revolving. Destiny may give us different ways to discover life but in the end we all find happiness & peace. Love will always be there. Love made the world. WE are all made by Love. Life is too short to waste. The world is really going to tough time right now. I'm a part of this world & I'm getting tired seeing a lot of bad happenings. I really appreciate people who are trying to help save the world & make it a good place for the children. Celebrities & ordinary people who has good hearts & intentions, they are new heroes. If only all us knows how to appreciate & share Love, I don't think that we will have this kind of atmosphere. We can still hope but most of the time we just ignore it because hope is useless. Everybody wants to number one & most of us are so greedy. What's with power? Yes, it may give us a lot of authority & money? Does it really give us clean conscience or peace in our minds & hearts? It may sound OA or whatever. But it is true. The Government or even Royalties are heedless. Not in general but most of authorities are like that. Well, enough about politics. I'm not that interested about their world. Be just!

So let's talk about what's going on with my world. haha! After all this my blog! Right? Well, work is doing fine. I'm not that into my work. I'm happy with the pay but I think I'm done with this kind of job. I'm looking for something new & right job. They would tell me that I have to start from the buttom before I reach the top. We all goes through that kind of process. We just have to work hard. I undestand that. But if you start hating the job & the people that you're working for, then the best option is to leave. I've been in the company over a year now & I love being with my team mates. Its fun! Its just that! Nevermind. I know I can handle it. Right now, I'm at home & feeling so sick. Well, I am sick. Had fever & having colds & cough now. I just want to rest, sleep, stay at home & spend time with my son. My son is amazing! He is the sweetest! He is just so like me! haha! I'm his MOM! Not to mention, I'm single mom. By choice. I'm loving it though sometimes I admit that its really hard to understand the kind of behavoir your child has. You really have to be more patient zillion times. I am patient but I'm not sure if I'm doing good at it. All I know is I want to be with my son mostly everyday of his life. I want to see him laugh, sing, dance, laugh, cry. I want to see him grow & be his friend. I so love him. His been a blessing. His teaching me a lot of things. Even if I'm not a good in some ways, I know my son will make me a better mother. I can spend the rest of my life with my little boy. He is more than everything to me. *wink

DREAMS! This word is so positive. Its good to hear someone sharing their dreams. My dreams started when I knew I can dream. I just want a simple life. I want to finish school, get a good job, be professional, be a wife & a mother. Well, I think 3 of them already did came true. I finished school when I was 21 & I'm a professional. I guess. I am a PROUD & freak Mother. haha! Good job? Not yet. DREAM Job! What's my dream job? LOT of them. I was so young when I realized that I want to sing, dance & to be a writer. Singing motivates me. Dancing gives me spirit. Writing for me is sharing. Simple things. Just simple things. But its so hard to reach. Every time I take one step to my dream, I want to take two steps backward because I know I don't deserve to reach my dreams. Its too good to be true they say. Dreams must remain dreams for me. I'm a coward. Yes. I'm not embarrass with my dreams its just that its impossible to get it. So impossible. But I can still do those in my own ways. At least. haha!

Anyway, I'm lost now. TWIST! I will just give you updates regarding about my faves. Let's start with Britney. She's still great, beautiful & dork. haha! I love her. She's wonderful. Her new album Circus will be out on 12.02.08. So excited for it! Jamie Lynn is happy. Not pregnant. Backstreet Boys will be performing in TRL on 11/16/08 if I'm not mistaken. Everybody should say good bye to TRL. *tears. High School Musical 3: Senior Year is still the #1 Movie worldwide. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! I'm in love with the production, casts & everything about High School Musical. I am a Fan! Zac & Vanessa are still in love. Love 'em! Hmmm...? Who else? Chris Tiu? haha! My friends will tell me I'm crazy! As far as I know, he just came from China then his nominated for Favorite Athlete for Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards 2008. Cool. Something new. *wink

TO WRAP EVERYTHING, I'm just so inspired with my life. AND so excited to fall in love! No one can't take what's left of me. *smile

God Bless everyone!


Hey! I'm late again. Sorry. I'm at home and sick. I missed another Survivor episode but I finally got the chance to watch High School Music 3: Senior Year. BIG SCREEN! I SO LOVE IT! The production, choreography and crew/casts are amazing! The film is so beautiful. I have the OST in my cellphone. *wink! Anyway, here's the recap for the last episode on Survivor. I can't upload the photos but you can visit the site: http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor/


As the morning sun rises, the Fang Tribe find themselves rummaging through the remains of their rice. Ace determines that they only have a mere thirty handfuls left, and the tribe scrapes a few grains from the bottom of their pot. Suddenly, Crystal accidentally knocks over the stash of rice, spilling a significant portion into the dirt. Matty vents, "Rice is more valuable than gold, and she just clumsily trips over it and spills it. I wanted to just lay into her and chew her out, but it's just pointless. You can’t cry over spilled milk, you know, it’s just too late." Tensions rise between Crystal and the rest of the tribe when she refuses to eat the rice. "I don’t want to feel like I took away from anybody in this tribe, so by all means, eat your food like you normally do," Crystal pouts. Matty and Ace become agitated by Crystal’s attitude, which places the target on her. Ace reveals, “Crystal did me a favor and she will be the next lamb to the slaughter."

At Kota, Dan’s insecurities come out when he desperately tries to align with Corinne, Charlie and Marcus, whom he sees as an exclusive alliance. Feeling on the outside, Dan pushes himself even further away from them by trying too hard to proclaim his devotion to their alliance. He claims to have alienated himself while on the Fang Tribe in order to prove he has no attachments outside of the Kota Tribe. Marcus reads into this, and sees Dan as a threat: “Dan is the ultimate paranoid human being. Like at some point, Dan is going to be a huge liability and unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do to sort of save him from himself at this point.”

Both tribes arrive on their colored mats as host Jeff Probst explains the rules. Three members of each tribe will toss a breakable ball back and forth while one member from the other tribe attempts to smash that ball or force it to the ground. Both tribes will compete at the same time, in two separate rings. The tribe whose attacker breaks the opponent’s ball first wins a point. The first tribe to accrue three points wins a helicopter ride to a beautiful location in Gabon where they will also enjoy a picnic lunch including a selection of meats, cheeses, drinks, and breads. In addition, the winning tribe will send one member of the losing tribe to Exile Island. Since Kota has two extra members, Corinne and Charlie sit out of the challenge.

In the first round, Randy is the attacker for Kota in the Fang ring, with Ace the attacker for Fang in the Kota ring. The tribes begin tossing their balls in a game of keep away while Randy attempts to destroy Fang’s ball by forcing it to the ground. In the Kota ring, Ace goes from person to person attempting to smash Kota’s ball or force it to the ground. Randy tackles Ken just as he passes to Crystal, but it falls short and breaks on the ground. Kota scores their first point. In the next round, Bob is the attacker for Kota, and Sugar is the attacker for Fang. Randy taunts Sugar by growling at her. Bob is very aggressive as he tackles each Fang player. Sugar makes no offensive maneuvers, allowing Kota to slip balls right past her. Bob causes an error by Fang when he tackles Ace mid-throw. The ball breaks on the ground, and Kota scores their second point, leading two to zero. In the next round, Dan is the attacker for Kota and Matty is the attacker for Fang. Matty comes on strong as soon as the round begins, attempting to tackle each Kota player to the ground. In the Fang ring, Dan tackles Ace as he throws the ball to Sugar. Sugar misses and the ball breaks, scoring the third point for Kota. With three points, Kota wins the challenge, and decide to send Sugar, once again, to Exile Island. Kota is then off to enjoy their reward in the helicopter as Fang slumps back to camp.

The Kota Tribe takes in the gorgeous view from the helicopter as they fly over Gabon. They land on the edge of a cliff that opens to a deep canyon spanning several miles. Everyone marvels at the view as they lay out their picnic basket contents. Susie reflects, "The beautiful scenery…it was awesome. It's something I thought I would never experience. So it just gives you more incentive, more power, more strength and you know that you can get through this no matter what. It was very surreal for me. It was just amazing."

Back at the Fang camp, Matty rants to the tribe about Sugar's poor performance at the challenge. On a private canoe ride, Matty tries to convince Ace to take out Sugar, thereby flushing out the idol and strengthening the tribe all at once. Ace defends Sugar, claiming that they can use Sugar and her idol to their advantage whenever they wish. Ace then suggests voting out Crystal. Back on shore, Ken and Crystal speculate that Ace and Matty are conspiring to take out Crystal, which angers her. Ken suggests blindsiding Ace, and tells her that he will talk to Sugar about it. Crystal expresses her resentment towards Ace: "The way that he is manipulating Matty…he’s the devil and he has to go."

Heartily enjoying their picnic at the cliff, Kota happily chatters about the sad state of the Fang tribe. Stunned silence falls over them when a Gabon native approaches them with letters from home. Everyone erupts with joy as the letters are handed out and read. Bob excuses himself from the group and wanders off on his own. He immediately breaks down bawling as he reads his family’s letters. Corinne approaches him and embraces him. “Your family loves you, Bob,” she says. Charlie and the other tribe members cry as they talk about their families. Bob opens up, “I’m close to these people here, but these are the people that are the closest to my heart. Life is good, and I realize how lucky a man I am. I’m here, and I can’t wait to get home to them. Life doesn’t get better than this.”

Sugar returns to the gazebo on Exile Island where she indulges once again in comfort. As she rests on the hammock, she reflects on her state in the game. “Thank God for Ace. What’s funny is I’m pretty sure we’re using each other, but I feel like my tribe thinks I’m naïve and that I am sticking with him out of stupidity. I’m sticking with him because he is the strongest player at this point. So, I just hope that they’re not all screwing me around.”

Kota and Fang arrive at their respective mats as Sugar returns from Exile Island and rejoins the Fang Tribe. In a shocking twist, host Jeff Probst reveals that both tribes will be going to Tribal Council and voting someone out of the game. Each tribe will be competing to win individual immunity. They will compete in a log roll and will be paired up against another tribe member from either tribe. The objective is to stay on the log longer than the other person. The first person to hit the water is out. Winners move on to the next round. The last person left standing wins individual immunity. In addition, there is a twist that will be revealed at the end of the challenge.

The first match-up is Dan versus Ace. The two tip-toe across the rolling log and attempt to keep their balance. Dan is in the water first and Ace moves on to the next round. The next match-up is Charlie versus Crystal. Crystal is in the water first and Charlie moves on to the next round. When Marcus takes on Matty, Matty is in the water first, sending Marcus to the next round. Susie is in the water first when she takes on Randy, and he moves on to the next round. Sugar defeats Ken, and she moves on. When Bob faces off against Corinne, he reveals that he is a former log roll champion. Bob shows off a little before easily defeating Corinne. In round two, Charlie takes on Ace and the two fight to keep their balance. Charlie is in the water first and Ace moves on to the final round. When Randy competes against Marcus, Randy falls in the water first and Marcus moves on to the final round. Sugar defeats Bob and she moves on to the final round. For the final round, Ace, Sugar and Marcus are all on the log at the same time. Sugar falls off first, leaving Ace and Marcus fighting to win immunity. Ace and Marcus battle it out, and, after maintaining good balance for a while, Ace falls in the water first. Marcus wins individual immunity and Jeff Probst reveals the twist: Marcus must assign individual immunity to a member of the opposing tribe. Marcus strategically chooses Sugar, in the hopes that the Fang Tribe will be forced to vote out a power player.

With Tribal Council looming, Ken attempts to convince Sugar to blindside Ace, her greatest ally in the game. Ken rats Ace out, telling Sugar that Ace plans on using her to gain possession of the idol and ultimately vote her out. Sugar realizes that she is being played by Ace, and backs Ken’s plan to take him out. Ken reassures Crystal that Sugar is with them and will vote out Ace. Crystal questions Sugar’s allegiance, and says that she will believe it when she sees Sugar’s vote at Tribal Council. Ace meets up with Sugar by the lake and asks for her immunity idol in case someone tries to pull a double-cross. Sugar tells Ace that is not happening, and causes her to question his motives. “When Ace asked me for the idol, it made me think maybe Kenny was telling me the truth,” Sugar reveals.

At Fang’s sixth Tribal Council, Matty attacks Crystal for spilling the rice. Ace backs Matty as Crystal erupts, shouting that she resents her tribe members for not saving any rice for her to eat, even though she repeatedly refused it when her tribe offered some to her. In the midst of the unfolding drama, Sugar criticizes her tribe for fighting about such petty nonsense. In the end, Sugar decided to keep the immunity necklace for herself and blindsided Ace, who was voted out of the game with three out of the five votes cast against him. Ace Gordon, the 27 year-old fashion photographer from Naples, Florida, became the seventh person voted out of SURVIVOR: GABON: EARTH’S LAST EDEN.

Dan desperately tries to keep himself in the game by sticking with the original Kota members as they discuss who to vote out next. Randy suggests convincing Bob that he is still a part of the Kota four. Marcus reveals that, in reality, Randy has replaced Bob in a final four situation as long as he keeps his part of the bargain. As the discussion continues, Susie and Dan are put on the chopping block, with the majority of the tribe leaning towards Dan. “Dan is super vulnerable tonight, and the only thing Dan has going for him right now is that he should really cross his fingers and hope that Susie is going to blow up and do some crazy stuff,” says Charlie. Meanwhile, as Corinne has a chat with Susie, she ends up digging her own grave by admitting that she originally planned on voting out Corinne. Corinne is floored by this, and immediately brings this information to the rest of her tribe in an attempt to sway them to vote out Susie instead of Dan. Randy brings up that fact that Susie’s vote can be bought, which makes her a dangerous player. Marcus decides to play it safe by splitting the votes between Susie and Dan in the unlikely event that Dan may be in possession of the immunity idol from the one time that he was sent to Exile Island.

At Tribal Council, Susie pointed the finger at Corinne for being physically weaker than her, which made Corinne even more aware that Susie is against her. Dan admitted to being a worrier and not knowing what is going on in the game. In the end, Kota stuck to their original plan of splitting the votes between Dan and Susie and, with four of the seven votes cast against him, Dan was voted out of the game. Dan Kay, the 32 year-old attorney from Boston, Massachusetts became the eighth person voted out of SURVIVOR: GABON: EARTH’S LAST EDEN.