A ⁿ ⁿ ' s ZONE

Expressions of Whirlwind Emotions, Thoughts, Life and Everything Possible and Impossible.

Trying to feel better is not really working. Thinking or pretending to be fine is not working either. I'm really sick & it is really tiring. I'm at work right now while making this entry. I need to go to the comfort room because I'm coughing really, really hard & my Supervisor is not on his desk. So help me God. My tears are starting to fall. My body is shaking because Mother said that its an allergy or reaction with medicine that I'm taking. I've took this medicine before & it didn't have any reactions. My heart palpitates & I'm having chills. I spent Christmas without a voice. I know my son was wondering why Mommy sounded really, really bad. I sounded like a caveman! Getting sick & staying home makes me feel calm because I get a chance to be with my son. That is either I'm sick or his sick or we're both sick. This time, we are sick. Bittersweet! I was absent for like 3 days & I thought that my Supervisor will eat me whole or slice me into pieces & then eat me! lol But thanks to the new Boots, its providing his feet comfort & his in a good mood. He loves the Boots! Saved!

Change. I was just randomnly browsing blog sites (to be honest: I only visit Christopher's blog site hahaha). He is soo sooo sooooo cute! Intelligent, super intelligent, deadly gorgeous, patient man, kind, calm, a dream date for me! But unfortunately, he confessed just recently that his dating someone who is now studying Canada. I'm giving your clues now! hahaha! I just love him. He is really a good man. His face & his actions says it all. Chris had a great Christmas. Which he deserved.

On Break. My lips hurts, its hot & I don't know why. It's bothering me. I'm not sure if I'm hungry. It's already 12:09 noon, lunch time here & I need to take me medicine. I don't have a choice because I will be out 2:00pm so I have to eat my lunch during that hour. And someone just passed by singing Jingle Bells! hahaha! So cute! His wearing black by the way & his tall. lol W---- Anyway, my team mates are making a countdown in our chatroom because they get so excited for our rest days! It's our day off for work! Today is our last day of work this week so we're just kinda anticipate this day. First day of work, we actually call it first day syndrome. All of us are so lazy to come to work most escpecially my BFF's! hahaha! It's mostly fun going to work because I get the chance to see people that is good to my eyesight. lol It will get sucks when you feel the pressure of passing your score. The work is really tiring. But all you have to do is combine work with playing. Playing with a good reason. Answering calls, helping customers & be human. But remember, its just business. You can be emotionally attach sometimes because of the fact that you're a human too & you have emotions. It's just business. If you are pissed, don't hit throw away avaya or the headset or do not break the monitor or the little mouseeeyy thing. Relax. Chill. They are talking about Bella & Edward again... haha!


PS: have to review the bill now lol

take care & God Bless...
