A ⁿ ⁿ ' s ZONE

Expressions of Whirlwind Emotions, Thoughts, Life and Everything Possible and Impossible.

Just came from work. Not literally I did work but went to the office to verify my schedule. So two days ago my supervisor called me that I need to report back to work today. Did I panic!? YES! Absolutely pissed off too! Big Time! Because I thought that I'll be working back on March 3 but hey he really called me and greets my morning with a very interesting surprise. I was really pissed off. I went crazy and I’m totally not in the mood going back to work. I thought that I’ll be back on the 28th since my sister’s wedding will be on that day but guess what my supervisor told me that my leave is not until Feb 28. Unbelievable! This is not so happening. I want to cry. But I need to work. So unfortunately, my Manager and the schedule facilitator told me to work on the 24th and that’s next week. As I walked to the floor (yeah of course I’m walking through or in the ground, floor is our working area and that’s how we call it), the environment is still the same. IT still has a lot of papers on the stations and on the ceiling. Same old faces and still miss the headset and the avaya. Nothings change. I haven’t asked any updates about new policies or process/procedures in answering calls. They usually make changes either the scripts that we use answering calls and in our system. There’s only one way to find out that will be on Tuesday.

I have to go now. Someone’s calling Mommy… My son…

